Social Work and intradisciplinary collaboration in public-private arrangements in Chile. The case of the Abriendo Caminos program


  • Carlos Andrade Guzmán Universidad de Chile



Intradisciplinary collaboration in Social Work in public-private arrangements, Intervention with children with an adult deprived of liberty, Abriendo Caminos program, Collaboration characteristics, Implications of collaboration


This study, situated in the intervention that is developed with girls and boys who have a significant adult deprived of liberty in Chile, which is developed largely through alliances between the State and civil society organizations, is oriented to answer, among others, what are the characteristics of the collaboration between social workers who carry out the intervention in this type of arrangements takes. In doing so, it takes the case of the Abriendo Caminos Program in Chile, which works with this population. The study was qualitative, conducting interviews with program professionals, both from the State and from Civil Society. Among others, it is noted that intradisciplinary collaboration in public-private frameworks presents diverse characteristics, some being reported as positive by professionals (for example, being understood by some as a mutual collaboration), while it also presents some as negative ones (for example, being in some cases meant as hierarchical). Some conclusions of the study suggest that recognizing that the personal aspects of professionals can contribute to better collaboration, from a critical perspective, care must be taken to ensure that it does not depend mainly on these elements. In this sense, it is crucial that professionals have the best structural conditions (institutional and organizational) so that they can participate in effective public-private collaborative arrangements in the intervention with children with an adult deprived of liberty.


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2024-01-19 — Updated on 2024-01-19


How to Cite

Andrade Guzmán, C. (2024). Social Work and intradisciplinary collaboration in public-private arrangements in Chile. The case of the Abriendo Caminos program. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (21), 185–218.


