Social Work Education and explanatory elements of disciplinary training in the field in the context of COVID-19. Lessons from the University of Cádiz


  • Carlos Andrade Guzman Universidad de Chile
  • Paula Sepúlveda Navarrete Universidad de Cádiz



Social Work Education, Explanatory elements of the training, Accompaniment provided by the practice insertion center in the territories, Accompaniment provided by the university, Field education


Field education is a component of the training process that allows the knowledge learned in the classroom to be applied in territorial spaces, which has been particularly difficult in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This requires accompaniment and monitoring for the acquisition of the expected skills. For this reason, the present study seeks to observe the relationship between the student's assessment of the support provided both by the practice center in the territories and by the university in the context of the pandemic. A quantitative design with an explanatory scope is used using secondary data for the analysis. As a result, it is highlighted that training in social work is correlated with how the students evaluate the accompaniment provided by the insertion centers in the territories and how they evaluate the accompaniment of the university in the field education process, which leads to the conclusion about the relevance of strengthening the conditions for accompaniment in the territories and the need for that the accompaniment given by the university to reinforce the link with the students in the training process.



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2023-01-09 — Updated on 2023-01-20


How to Cite

Andrade Guzman, C., & Sepúlveda Navarrete, P. (2023). Social Work Education and explanatory elements of disciplinary training in the field in the context of COVID-19. Lessons from the University of Cádiz. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (19), 185–204. (Original work published January 9, 2023)


