Sedetarism an emergency Public Health trouble and the need to incluide it as a work risk in México




sedentarism, work risk, Ley Federal del Trabajo, health dammage, behavior


The sedentary lifestyle is a risk behavior for the acquisition of chronic diseases and others such as musculoskeletal and venal thrombosis in the legs, the first high impact on the economy of a country and have become a Public Health problem, ie , that any activity or behavior that contributes to the  appearance of these diseases should be treated as a potential risk to health; On the other hand, work and  work activities, as a result of their evolution, have made work every day become more sedentary and  therefore the risk of developing the aforementioned diseases. Currently, Mexico has a regulatory  framework to protect workers from the potential risk and damage to health that can result from the  different circumstances they face in work environments or derived from the activities to be developed, the  Federal Law of the Work contemplates these events and frames them in their legal basis, that is why this  article aims to generate a background for sedentarism to be considered a work risk.



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Author Biography

Alan Pedraza Méndez, Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca. Pachuca, Hidalgo. México

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