The Central Sensitivity Syndrome: a new challenge for the Dietitian-Nutritionist


  • Lucía Aumesquet García Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla



Central Sensitivity Syndrome, Central sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Histamine, Microbiota


The Central Sensitivity Syndrome is defined as a physiological condition where the endocrine system, the nervous system and the immunological systems are altered causing the overexcitement of the neurons and consequently the organism is oversensitive to harmful or harmless stimuli. In the last 30 years there have been an increase in the research related to CSS. The understanding of the common  physiopathology shared by the different syndromes which form it is a useful tool to be able to play an  efficient role as health professionals. Not only doctors should be enable to treat patients with such  symptoms but also nutritionists, among others, must have the necessary tools to try to improve the quality  of these people's lives. This bibliographic review is supported by a number of researches approved by the  scientific world regarding the components, physiopathology and symptoms of this syndrome, even so with  the relationship and the role played on a nutritional level. Currently, Spain has several teams of  professionals working and looking into the scientific evidence of some nutritional treatments for this  problem, as for example the function of the Histamine in CSS. Finally it finishes with the importance diet  and microbiota have in the development and maintenance of the symptoms.



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