Analysis of beliefs and habits about feeding and risk of Eating Disorders in adolescents in Secondary Education


  • Mª Dolores De Los Santos-Mantero Instituto de Ciencias de la Conducta. Sevilla



Eating habits, nutrition, adolescence, eating disorders, obesity, secondary education


Objective: To study the degree of knowledge in nutrition and erroneous preconceptions about feeding of  secondary school students of a public school and a public institute. As well as analyzing the prevalence of  risk of eating disorders.

Method: The study sample included a total of 259 students, 181 from the "Don Bosco" institute and 78  students from the Mª Auxiliadora school, both of the four secondary education courses located in Valverde  del Camino, Huelva. During the month of January 2018, four validated surveys, two on food habits and  beliefs and two on the prevalence of risk of eating disorders were passed in person and in person. Then the  Microsoft Office Excel program was used to make the graphs.

Results and Discussion: 100 students of the total (N = 259) presented a risk of eating disorders, mostly  women, and this is a health problem in children and adolescents. In general, students have seen irregular  eating habits, with a higher consumption of fried and pastries and less of fish, fruit and vegetables. In  addition, there is a current outdated about adequate food to lead a healthy lifestyle, directly related to a  medium-low socioeconomic level.

Conclusions: A relationship has been observed in students with risk of eating disorders and irregular  eating habits. A nutritional education should also be carried out in schools from childhood onwards and  avoid misconceptions such as thinking that light foods are thinning.



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