Effects of a high intensity intermitent exercise on the postural dynamic control of semi pro football players


  • Luis Francisco Royán-González Elcano Sport Clinic
  • Antonio García-Sillero Elcano Sport Clinic
  • Manuel García-Sillero University of Wales (EADE)
  • Manuel De Diego University of Wales (EADE)
  • Francisco Gámez Aragüez Elcano Sport Clinic
  • Juan Rojo Rodríguez Chelsea Foundation. Málaga




Dynamic Postural Control, YBT, Fatigue, Yo Yo Intermittent Test 1, Soccer


The purpose of this research was to study how intermittent high intensity exercise affects dynamic  postural control in soccer players of the 3rd Spanish Division. Through an intermittent effort test (Yo-Yo  Intermittent test 1) the players are subjected to a fatigue situation in order to observe the incidence of  dynamic postural control, whose alteration is related to the increased risk of sports injuries. Fatigue is an element that brings with it a series of physiological changes and makes our motor response  ineffective due to the diversity of stimuli offered by a sport such as football, and can trigger in an injury,  the epidemiology of football shows us the importance of the control of Fatigue and its  consequences on the actions of players.

Objective. To verify the incidence of fatigue in dynamic postural control. 

Design. Pre experimental, pre and post treatment of a group. 

Population. Twelve male players (Age = 4 ± 5.3 years, height = 1.81 ± 0.04 m, weight = 76.8 ± 6.35,  fat% = 11.9 ± 0.99%) 

Method. We performed a pre-test Y Balance Test (YBT), we immediately induce fatigue through Yo-Yo  Intermittent test 1, when the player completes the test we obtain lactam sample in blood and perform a  post test YBT to see the differences After induced fatigue. Heart rate (HR) was monitored throughout  the process to obtain maximum heart rate (HRmax) and the subjective perception of exertion of the  players was controlled using Borg scale.

Results. After performing a Student's T, we compared the pre and post means in order to verify if there  were significant differences. All the scopes declined in the post-test, but significantly the right  frontal range (p <0, 0100), right postero-lateral (p <0.0000) and left postero-medial range (p  <0.0130). Pearson's correlation r found positive but not significant relationships between variables. 

Conclusion. With the data obtained, we can say that fatigue induced through a test of high intermittent  intensity adversely affects the dynamic postural control, even leading to situations of risk  of injury, such situations appear in the frontal plane where the leg more Affected was the right (skillful  or non-stabilizing), which significantly worsened and became risky after fatigue (p <0.01). We can say that the skillful leg in this case is the less stable leg.



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