A socio-historical journey from the voice of the footwear workers: situations and conditions since the 70s
Footwear sector, working conditions, precariousness, temporality, employment, footwear, laborersAbstract
This article analyzes the changes experienced in the footwear sector from the 1970s to the present day from the discourses of the garment factory laborer. A socio-historical review from the perspective of male and female labourers will allow us to better understand working conditions, trade union struggles, gender inequalities and other relevant aspects. The research approach is qualitative; It recomposes and analyzes the collective narrative of the protagonists through ten semi-structured interviews. The findings show the trend towards new, more precarious hiring models that translate into wage impoverishment. The following lines include the changes that working conditions have undergone from the 70s to the present: schedules, seniority or breaks. Overall, as the results show, there has been a historical trend towards the loss of rights.
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