Music, reading and embroidery: the social force of the sewing machine of the Singer Company and the School of Catholic Workers (1875-1930)


  • María Rosa Gómez Martínez Universidad de Murcia



Non-regulated Education, Musica Academies, Popular Library, Night School, Singer Company


The opinions expressed in the press regarding education in this period have two directions: on the one hand, they criticize the scarcity and poor material conditions of schools, and on the other hand, they try to create an awareness that serves to transmit their own ideology. but what about non-formal education? Parallel to this educational universe, non-regulated education is developed, outside legal limits and promoted by the most humanistic social agents within the context of charity. This article aims to show some practices of this teaching, such as music academies, popular libraries, night and Sunday schools for Catholic workers in the city of Elche and the Singer Company, under the gaze of historical sociology. 


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How to Cite

Gómez Martínez, M. R. (2023). Music, reading and embroidery: the social force of the sewing machine of the Singer Company and the School of Catholic Workers (1875-1930). EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (19), 103–120.


