Social intervention with the rural communities of the southern islands of Indonesia


  • Amanda Negrín Plata Universidad de La Laguna
  • Manuel Hernández Hernández Universidad de La Laguna



Cooperation, Human Development, Millennium Development Goals, Childhood, Community Development


This paper tries to provide information that helps to elaborate a diagnostic of poverty and vulnerability of the rural population in Indonesia, most particularly of children from Nusa Tenggara Barat. Insufficient state intervention means that both local and international NGOs are occupying the enormous empty space left by the State in meeting the needs of the population. The text reflects the work done by one of those international NGOs: NGOs Balanced World. This NGO cooperates with other local NGOs seeking community development, using prevention, empowerment and assistance in education, health, environmental and social areas. Through this paper an urgent appeal is made to the involvement of public and private institutions to achieve the Millennium Development Goals proposed by the UN United Nations, and protect children from every corner of the world, promoting and ensuring their development.


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How to Cite

Negrín Plata, A., & Hernández Hernández, M. (2018). Social intervention with the rural communities of the southern islands of Indonesia. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (10), 11–36.




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