Bullying: A door to enter adult antisocial conduct


  • Pedro García Sanmartín Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia




Bullying, Social Values, Antisocial Behavior, Adolescents and Education.


This article is based on a theoretical study about how a deficit of both social values and education in children are the catalysts for bullying behaviour and the gateway to antisocial behaviour in adolescents and adults.  It is supported by research and theories regarding the development of children's learning as well as an extensive review of literature, statistical data and expert opinions. This theoretical compendium, plus the current social consequences and statistical data on psychological disorders, is reflecting an increase in two worrying trends.  Firstly, the rise in the number of cases of increasingly young children dealing with disorders, such as depression, anxiety, suicides, etc.  Secondly, increasing problems in schools such as bullying, dropout, low grades, etc., as well as other antisocial behaviours: early alcohol and drug use, vandalism or theft. This is going to be the main focus of this research, and the conclusions will address the question of the hypothesis: Is there a direct relationship between the lack of social values and prosocial childhood education and the development of antisocial adolescents?


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How to Cite

García Sanmartín, P. (2019). Bullying: A door to enter adult antisocial conduct. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (11), 151–202. https://doi.org/10.15257/ehquidad.2019.0006


