An approach to the etiology of gender inequality


  • Pedro García Sanmartín UNED



Gender, Inequality, Biology, Culture and Values


Gender equality seen from the perspective of gender differences, which is involved in its origin by the phylogeny and ontogeny of both sexes and its relation to the acquisition of values and the development of the formal and informal educational scaffolding of the individual throughout his life. The existence of unequal behavior between the sexes may be due, according to this study, to a misperception of gender equality by education developed at different stages of a person's life. Reflecting the work presented in the study through three dimensions: biological, normative and cultural.


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How to Cite

García Sanmartín, P. (2018). An approach to the etiology of gender inequality. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (9), 145–178.


