Adaptive disorders and their management in primary care


  • Elvira Lucas Oliver Grado de Medicina Universidad Castilla la Mancha
  • Pedro Juan Tárraga López Departamento de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Castilla la Mancha
  • Almudena Tarraga Marcos Centro Base Consejería Bienestar Social. Castilla la Mancha



Introduction: Adjustment disorder describes a disproportionate emotional and behavioral response to one or
more identifiable psychosocial stressors. There are multiple situations capable of generating an acute stressful
situation. However, one of the requirements to be able to speak of an adaptive disorder is that the stressor(s) in
question should lead to an impairment of the individual's normal functioning.
Objectives: The main objective of this work is to analyze , through a literature review, the diagnosis and approach
to the diagnosis and management of adaptive disorders in the Primary Care setting. The secondary objective is to
emphasize the importance of early detection and treatment, as well as multidisciplinary management and mental
health promotion.
Results: The main risk factors for adjustment disorders are unemployment, low income, low social support, physical
illness, and personal history of mental health. The International Questionnaire of Adaptive Disorders is currently the
principal diagnostic tool, as it establishes its diagnostic criteria based on the theoretical definition established by
the ICD-11. The management of these disorders is mainly through cognitive behavioural therapy.
Conclusions: Adjustment disorders arise as abnormal responses to certain stressful situations. The role of primary
care physicians in dealing with this disorder is essential, and early detection and management are necessary to
reduce the levels of dysfunctional anxiety that patients present.


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