Error-based learning. A proposal as a new didactic strategy




teaching strategy, innovation, education, nutrition, gamification


Introduction. This work gathers information about a project not yet completed which hypothesis is that the inclusion of errors, by the teacher, in some lessons induces students to search, find, discuss and know them, leading to a better knowledge of the subject and therefore, acquire the competencies set by the Bologna plan.

Methods. A method based on error but enhanced by gamification in five subjects of three degrees of the Complutense University of Madrid was conseived. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the planned objectives set when applying for the funding of the project had to be modified. Having objective data, although part still has not been evaluated. A total of 10% of lessons with errors were introduced. Evaluations were conducted with the Kahoot! platform and through multiple choice questionnaires. The questions had four possible answers, of which only one was correct. In addition, partial and final examination were also carried out with questions about the lessons taught with errors and without errors.

Results. Although many data are still being statistically evaluated to know the degree of contribution of the topics with errors vs. without errors, as well as gamification, the results suggest a higher score (8.2%) in the topics with errors. These differences were much greater in the case of Pharmacy students (15%, p <0.05) than in the Double degree of Pharmacy and Human Nutrition and Dietetics (-4.3%, not significant). Pharmacy students showed a higher final grade in relation to the previous year, an aspect that did not happen with the double degree students. Gamification was considered particularly effective in Pharmacy students as a stimulating and valid initiative.

Conclusions. The errors inclusion in the topics increases the grade and the level of success, particularly in those students with less motivation to study, allowing a greater number of people to achieve a higher qualification level. It is also concluded that a large percentage of students indicate that if they were the teacher they would apply the same method to encourage learning based on gamification.



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