COVID-19 and the Mother Earth’s day


  • Francisco J. Sánchez-Muniz Catedrático de Universidad. Departamento de Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico San Carlos (IdISSC) y Académico de Número de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia de España
  • Miguel Sbastida Licenciado y Master in Fine Arts en el School of the Art Institute of Chicago, EEUU. Artista e investigador en el ámbito del Antropoceno y las ecologías culturales desde las Artes Visuales



COVID-19, Earth Charter, Solidarity, pandemic


This brief article has no other purpose than to make a reflection on different aspects of our existence that come together in keeping our house, the "Earth" alive and livable. It has been written in difficult and cruel moments in which Spain already exceeds 23,000 deaths and we Spaniards, are confined suffering a quarantine caused by COVID-19. Last April 22nd we celebrated, like many years before, a day dedicated to  our Mother Earth; fact that has motivated the tittle of this article, which strives to trace the relationships that  exist between the processes of environmental collapse and the emergence of new pandemics. After a brief  exposition of some central characteristics about the Coronavirus, the article reflect on the concept of solidarity and otherness. There is no search for culprits in this work, only an instigation to reflect and dustoff "old" writings such as the Earth’s Charter that are still new and very unknown, and which we must be read  and implemented in order to become authentic prodigal children.



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