There are no beds for everybody In the COVID-19 pandemic. Who is attended first?


  • Jesús M Culebras De la Real Academia de Medicina de Valladolid y del IBIOMED, Universidad de León. Miembro de Número y deHonor de la Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética Académico Asociado al Instituto de España. AcProfesorTitular de Cirugía. Director, Journal of Negative & No Positive Results. Director Emérito de NUTRICIONHOSPITALARIA, España
  • Ignacio Jáuregui-Lobera Instituto de Ciencias de la Conducta y Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla. España
  • Ángeles Franco-López Jefa de los Servicios de Radiología de los hospitales de Vinalopó y Torrevieja. AcProfesora de Universidad porANECA, Alicante, España



COVID-19, Coronavirus, Pandemic, Triage


Spain is suffering at present a pandemic, something that has not happened since more than a century ago.  All countries are implementing programs of social distancing in order to flatten the curve of incidence and  narrow the gap between medical need and the available supply of treatments. However, it is anticipated that  the incidence will be high and priorities will have to be established by means of triage within ethical limits.



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Ferguson NM, Laydon D, Nedjati-Gilani G, et al. Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand. London: Imperial College London, March 16, 2020 ( imperialcollege/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial -College- COVID-19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf).

Emanuel EJ, Persad J, Upshur R, Thome B et al. Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of COVID-19. N Eng J Med 2020 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsb2005114

Truog RD, Mitchell C, Daley G. The Toughest Triage — Allocating Ventilators in a Pandemic. N Eng J Med 2020. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2005689

Ventilator allocation guidelines.Albany: New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, New York State Department of Health, November 2015 (

Tomas Pueyo. Incidencia de COVID-19. Datos de John Hopkins

Franco-López A. Reflexiones desde la trinchera; la radiología antes y después del COVID-19. JONNPR. 2020;5(6):nnn-nn. DOI: 10.19230/jonnpr.3659

