Body composition and musculoskeletal injuries: correlation in footballers of the Granma Social Team


  • Raydel Pérez Castillo Médico. Especialista en Medicina General Integral y Medicina del Deporte. Profesor Instructor. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Las Tunas, Cuba Email: 9454-5375
  • Alejandro Hernandez Cereijo Técnico en Cultura Física y Rehabilitación. Fisioterapeuta Equipo Social Granma. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Granma, Cuba. Email: 6862-6999
  • Dayamila Cereijo Yañez Licenciada en Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Profesor Asistente. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva en Granma. Cuba. Email:
  • Roger Pupo Verdecia Médico. Especialista en Medicina General Integral, profesor Asistente, Las Tunas, Cuba Email:



football, musculoskeletal injuries, body composition, prevention


Aims. to determine the correlation of musculoskeletal injuries and body fat percentages in footballers from Granma's first-rate team.

Methods and Material. An observational study was carried out, descriptive and transverse in top-flight football players of Granma in the November 2018 to April 2019. The population consisted of 30 and the simple of 28 athletes.

Statistical analysis used. Data were examined by means of the statistical program InfoSat/L and presentee  with absolute values and percentages. Used him the test of normality of modified Shapiro Wilks and Rho  Spearman's coefficient for valuables of significance of p< 0,05.

Results. The mean age was (23,8± 6,3) years, with body weight (70,9± 8,7) kg and size (176± 6,1) cm. The  summation of folds was between (52,2 ± 20mm) in forward up to (76,27 ± 33,8mm) in goalkeepers. The ankle  sprain was the most frequent injury in an 61,53%. The Spearman coefficient was (Rho: 0,51 p=0,0054).

Conclusions. In first-rate footballer category are frequent ankle sprains by overuse mechanism. Defense positions and goalkeepers are the heaviest in weight and body fat. There is a correlation moderate positive between musculoskeletal injuries and higher levels of fat body. The summation of six skin folds is recommended as an indicator of risk of musculoskeletal injury.



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Author Biographies

Raydel Pérez Castillo, Médico. Especialista en Medicina General Integral y Medicina del Deporte. Profesor Instructor. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Las Tunas, Cuba Email: 9454-5375

Especialista en Medicina Familiar, profesor Instructor, Centro Provincial de Medicina del Deporte, Las Tunas, Cuba

Alejandro Hernandez Cereijo, Técnico en Cultura Física y Rehabilitación. Fisioterapeuta Equipo Social Granma. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Granma, Cuba. Email: 6862-6999


Fisioterapeuta Equipo Social Granma. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Granma, Cuba.


Dayamila Cereijo Yañez, Licenciada en Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Profesor Asistente. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva en Granma. Cuba. Email:


 Profesor Asistente. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva en Granma. Cuba.


Roger Pupo Verdecia, Médico. Especialista en Medicina General Integral, profesor Asistente, Las Tunas, Cuba Email:


 Especialista en Medicina General Integral, profesor Asistente, Master en Atención Integral a la Mujer.  Las Tunas, Cuba 



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