Navigation and history of science: Sea, tragedy and art. The wreck of La Méduse


  • Ignacio Jáuregui-Lobera Instituto de Ciencias de la Conducta y Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla



La Méduse, Géricault, shipwreck, survival, cannibalism, art


In 1819 a painting was exhibited for the first time in the Paris Salon. It was 200 years ago. The painting "The raft of the Méduse" was controversial, as it won both praise and condemnation. On June 17,  1816, a frigate, La Méduse, sailed with a flotilla from the island of Aix, near Bordeaux, on the way to Saint- Louis, in Senegal. On July 2, La Méduse ran aground on the Bank of Arguin, a rocky and sandy place more  than 30 miles from the coast. Then a struggle for survival began, which can be summarized as the French  greatest maritime tragedy, this tragedy being the result of a cluster of nonsense decisions taken by the  powerful and ambitious persons of the moment.



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