Applications of therapeutic fasting and its use in nutritional and dietary consultancies. Presentation of successful and nonsuccessful cases in patients with inflammatory disease


  • Ana Molina Jiménez Departamento I+D+i Nutrición y Salud, Biosabor, Almería. AM Nutrición Integral



fasting, intermittent fasting, caloric restriction, lupus, arthrosis, arthritis


The use of fasting has a long history, and in recent years has regained popularity, appearing in a  number of current medical studies. In respect of nutrition the practice has been subject to only limited  usage, although it has a great number of possible benefits for the nutritionist-dietician. This study  evaluates the efficacy of fasting in clinical practice where conventional nutritional procedures have  proven insufficient. Two cases are presented:

Patient 1 - suffered from systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjogren's syndrome. Symptoms were; unremitting pain and itching that could not be alleviated by steroids nor antihistamines,  generalised inflammation and erythema in the whole body. Treatment of fasting combined with a  controlled diet had positive results that completely eliminated erythema, itch and reduced the weight  gain caused by corticoids. Patient is currently controlling outbreaks with regular periods of fasting  combined with the prescribed dietary regime.

Patient 2 – a possible diagnosis of arthrosis or psoriatic arthritis with pain and paresthesia in both  hands caused by inflammation of the first interphalangeal joint of the index finger. Pain and fatigue  that did not improve with treatment. Autonomous fasting regime was unsuccessful. An exact diagnosis  has still not been made and although a new dietary regime was successful in controlling pain, fasting  was not successful in controlling the condition. This proved the necessity of continued research of the  use of fasting in this area, in which fasting has proven to be beneficial not only in the case of obesity,  but also other conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, depression and  cancer.



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