Navigation and history of science: Anniversary of the Magellan- Elcano expedition (1519-2019)


  • Ignacio Jauregui Lobera Instituto de Ciencias de la Conducta y Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla



Navigation, spice trade route, scurvy, malnutrition, feeding


On August 10, 1519, five ships departed from Seville under the command of Ferdinand de Magellan, thus initiating a voyage to reach the land of spices. In one of those ships, “La Concepción”, embarked Juan Sebastián Elcano as master. The Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans would be their home until, finally,  on September 6, 1522, Saturday, the ship “La Victoria” arrived in Sanlúcar de Barrameda with 18  men under Elcano now as commander. That was all that remained of the crew, more than 200 men, who  started the adventure. At sea, deaths due to illness have always far surpassed those produced by combat  or any other type of violence. This adventure was not an exception to that norm. Scurvy and malnutrition  were responsible for depleting the health of those men. When they arrived, they were not aware of a feat  that in the following five Centuries we have been exalting. But perhaps the feat of those who came back  was to survive above and beyond anything else. For having been able to preserve their lives, they deserve  a great homage.


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