Terminal disease: a Biolaw management


  • Francisco Rivas García Unidad Municipal de Salud y Consumo. Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Guadix. Granada




Terminal disease, Biolaw, End of life, Therapeutic effort, Life support


There are many different dilemmas and situations posed by the current development of the medical  sciences. Bioethics is a booming discipline that should guide any clinical practice, being especially relevant  to situations that augur end of life.
The present work aims to provide a current and useful analysis that can help to understand the main  problems that generate a terminal illness, and how Bioethics can be very useful. The methodology used has  included a study of bibliographic documentation through consultation of specialized databases.
It is concluded that Bioethics is a very useful tool that helps to analyze and make decisions on the part of  health professionals in their daily activities. Bioethics is essential to understand the palliative treatment that  must be provided at the end of life as a guarantee for the maintenance of human dignity.



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