Chronodisruption and cortisol and melatonin imbalance, a probable prelude of most prevalent pathologies?


  • Cristina Simón Martín Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología I (Nutrición). Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Francisco J Sánchez-Muniz Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología I (Nutrición). Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Cortisol, Chronic diseases, Chronobiology, Chronodisruption, Circadian rhythms, melatonin, stress


The existence of cyclic metabolic oscillations, taking place every 24 hours approximately, have been  demonstrated in most of living systems. These variations have been called circadian rhythms. Their  study as well as the synchronization processes within the surrounding medium is called Chronobiology.  In humans, the circadian system is shaped by different structures as entry routes, clocks (central and  peripherals, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and various organs, respectively) and way-out  responsible for generating these rhythms and their synchronization with the environment. Through 24- hour oscillations, the circadian system modulates the expression of certain genes called Clock genes.  However, some alterations have been defined in the main components of the circadian system-giving  rise to disturbance in the internal temporal order of rhythms with respect to the external temporal  order, originating a process known as chronodisruption. In fact citizens of big and modern cities live in  very chronodisruptive environments characterized by high and continuous stress, dim stable lightning,  constant thermostatization, irregular sleeping time, low physical activity, and frequent snaking. In this  paper the probable relationship between two hormones –cortisol and melatonin-, the chronodisruption  and the increased risk of major degenerative diseases as premature aging, cancer, cardiovascular  isease and obesity are briefly summarized. Further remarks and studies in order to identify  chronodisruptors and their implication on the genesis and impairment of degenerative disease are  suggested. The minireview recommends ascertaining major factors (e.g. genetic, epigenetic) explaining  differences in response among individuals. The convenience to study in humans the influence of other  iorhythm types (e.g. circalunar, seasonal) on several physiological activities is also highlighted.



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