Historical note about intestinal inflammatory disease from a psychosomatic perspective; on occasion of some letters related to Juan Ramón Jiménez


  • Ignacio Jauregui-Lobera Instituto de Ciencias de la Conducta y Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla
  • Paloma Muñoz-Calero Servicio de Psiquiatría, Hospital Universitario de Móstoles, Madrid
  • Jesús M Culebras De la Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Valladolid y del IBIOMED, Universidad de León. Director de The Journal of Negative & No Positive Results
  • Angeles Franco-López Servicio de Radiología, Hospital Universitario del Vinalopó, Elche, Alicante




Intestinal inflammatory disease, Psychosomatic alterations, Juan Ramón Jiménez


On occasion of two letters written by Zenobia in 1949 and 1955 in which the gastrointestinal alterations of Juan Ramon Jimenez are commented and a clinical report of the Presbyterian Hospital of San Juan de Puerto Rico in 1950, some considerations are made about Intestinal inflammatory disease and its possible relation with psychological diseases. Intestinal inflammatory disease and psychological alteration in Juan Ramon Jimenez were parallel along all his life. His recurrent depressions, his marked neurotical character, his phobic and hypochondriac fears, together with his tendency towards isolation are a constant in his biography and without doubt influential in his intestinal pathology.



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