Teaching practice-based evidence in nutrition (PEN) trough dietary portfolios


  • Salvador Ruiz Cerrillo Universidad del Valle de Atemajac




practice-based evidence in nutrition (PEN), evidence-based practice, , teaching, dietary portfolios, evidence-based Medicine


Dietary portfolios have emerged as a useful application of the practice-based evidence in Nutrition (PEN) trough the consideration of its practical and applied aspects. The aim of the following article was to determine the influence of dietary portfolios as a didactical strategy in PEN.

Methods: it is about a qualitative research with an action-research focus, 9 students of 4th quarter in Nutrition were included, as instrument it was used the attitude, Knowledge, and abilities evidence-based Medicine (EBM) Questionnaire of Sánchez (3rd version).

Results: the 100% of the students were able to search scientific information on the main databases of reviewed data and classify them from the evidence focus, the 37.5% of participants did not know the principal Association measures of the potential impact.

Conclusion and discussion: it can be concluded that the students of bachelor in Nutrition had a properly attitude over the BEM through the design of dietary portfolios and through the identification of the evidence levels of the GRADE system., though more than a third did not identify the main association indicators of the potential impact from the analyzed articles.



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Author Biography

Salvador Ruiz Cerrillo, Universidad del Valle de Atemajac

Profesor de asignatura grado C


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