Medicine and diseases or fashion and consumerism?


  • Ignacio Jáuregui-Lobera Universidad Pablo de la Olavide. Sevilla.



Diet, body image, health, beauty, lifestyles, fashion.


The concept of diet in the classical Greece must be understood not only as a style of feeding, but rather as the way of life and the individual’s reality in its global complexity. Since ancient times things have changed radically and the specific concept of diet has left the world of medicine to become a sort of mass entertainment. This phenomenon, along with the idolatry of chasing a perfect body and permanent youth, has lead to many lifestyles focused on the triad food-beauty-youth thus emerging progressive psychophysical alterations, sometimes severe and in other cases almost an argument of comedy. This work aims to create the necessary awareness in order to get that medicine returns to patients and pathologies and fashions and consumption do not become pseudo-disorders for which many "remedies" are also designed. Many times after these lifestyles there are only fashion and consumerism.


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