Gender Equity in Classrooms. Do we educate for it?


  • Lorena Martínez Pérez Centro Universitario SAFA Úbeda
  • Paz Peña García UNED



Gender equality, Coeducation, Gender rols, Stereotypes


The present investigation arises to know the educational reality related to the existence (or not) of sexist traits in boys and girls in the Early Childhood and Primary Education stage. It will be analyzed whether the family, educational and social context influences the children's conception of these traits, carrying out quantitative questionnaires for infant, first, second and third cycle primary school students and teachers, to find out their opinions and their approach in schools. These forms will be made by Google Form for the primary stage and teachers and paper questionnaires for the infant stage, aimed at corroborating or not, the problem, the objectives and the hypotheses raised, to two concerted schools, SAFA from Úbeda and from Villanueva del Arzobispo and a public one, Father Manjón de Sorihuela del Guadalimar.

From the analysis of the results, we reach a series of conclusions that confirm that there are indeed sexist conceptions of gender both in Early Childhood Education and in Primary Education, and that despite the fact that there is a large part of the teaching staff committed to this issue, there is still much work to be done, being of special importance the cooperation between country, family, society and school.


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How to Cite

Martínez Pérez, L., & Peña García, P. (2023). Gender Equity in Classrooms. Do we educate for it?. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (19), 221–248.


