The evaluation of the social intervention. Theoretical approaches




Assessment, Impact, Intervention, Social, Theory


Faced with the necessity and the growing interest in order to have a theoretical and methodological basis with the aim of carrying out the evaluation and the valuation of the social interventions by the scientific community, we are trying to collect and synthesize the different theoretical approaches in this study. Although, inevitably, this evaluation can only come from rigorous research, which derives from the systematic application of the scientific method due to both limitations of the classical and quantitative evaluation and weaknesses of the qualitative evaluation, a passionate debate has been generated. Thus, we find approaches which understand the evaluation as a value judgment, synonymous with valuation or more restrictive viewpoints like the classical and experimental evaluation. Other theoretical approaches have as priority different elements: knowledge and information, management, beneficiaries or policy. Nowadays and concluding the debate generated, it is detected a tendency to a theoretical and methodological approach which is integrating, pragmatic and adapted, and where some key elements for the practice of the evaluation highlight, such as, process, valuation, causal relationship, internal and external validity, effectiveness and efficiency, decision-making, policy-making and interventions. All of them have the same purpose: solving social problems.


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Author Biography

Miguel Santos González, UNED




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How to Cite

Santos González, M. (2019). The evaluation of the social intervention. Theoretical approaches. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (11), 55–90.


