Online Teaching During the Covid-19 crisis in Cameoon’s University Education: Achievements and Challenges


  • Oscar Kem-mekah Kadzue Universidad de Lleida



COVID-19, Confinement, Online Learning, Education 2.0, Education reforms.


The global health crisis of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) has meant a great change in the modus vivendi and modus operandi of all the inhabitants of planet earth. In all countries, people have been forced to confine themselves and maintain physical distance as long as they go out into public spaces. At the educational level, face-to-face classes have been suspended, leading to the implementation of methodological innovations using the resources provided by ICTs. However, it must be recognized that the socio-economic and socio-educational realities are not the same in all countries. Therefore, each country has had to design, as far as possible, online teaching models according to its socio-educational and socio-economic realities. In this paper, we explore the educational model and the strategies implemented in the Cameroonian university environment, taking as a reference the case of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, University of Yaounde I. Our purpose is to review the innovations carried out and also to propose a reflection on the achievements and challenges for a quality training of the Cameroonian students living in an increasingly digitalized and competitive world.


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How to Cite

Kem-mekah Kadzue, O. (2020). Online Teaching During the Covid-19 crisis in Cameoon’s University Education: Achievements and Challenges. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (14), 57–74.



Dossier Covid-19