Effect of a motivational intervention of obesity upon cardiovascular risk factors.


  • Mª Loreto Tárraga Marcos Enfermera Residencia Geriátrica Los Álamos de Albacete.
  • Josefa María Panisello Royo Medicina Interna Igualada (Barcelona).
  • Nuria Rosich Psicología Barcelona.
  • Juan Solera Albero Medico Familia Albacete.
  • Angel Celada Rodriguez Profesor Asociado Medicina Universidad Castilla la Mancha.
  • Raul Salmerón Medico Familia Albacete.
  • Pedro J. Tárraga López Profesor Asociado Medicina Universidad Castilla la Mancha.




Blood glucose, Cholesterol, Blood pressure, Motivational intervention.


Objective: To determine the effect on cardiovascular risk factors in a group of motivational intervention by nurses trained by an expert
psychologist, complementarily to the usual procedure.
Methods: Multicenter intervention in overweight and obese patients randomized clinical trial. Randomization of intervention by Basic
Health Zones (ZBS).Two groups located in separated different centers, one receiving motivational intervention in group (study group)
and the other routine monitoring (control group) were established. Variables: Sociodemographic, results: percentage of patients
reducing 5% of weight, assessment of cardiovascular risk factors and analytical data.
Results: 696 patients were evaluated; 377 control and 319 of the study group. Weight diminished in both groups in each visit. Mean
percent weight reduction remained at 1% in the control group and 2.5% in the intervention group (p-value = 0.009). 55.8% of patients
reduced their weight in the control group and 65.5% in the study group (p-value = 0.0391). 18.1% of patients in the control group
reduced more than 5% of weight; this percentage increased to 26.9% in the intervention group being statistically significant (p-value = 0.0304). No significant differences (5% vs. 8%) were detected at 2 years in the case of the 10% target. It was found after two years that BMI was reduced an average 0.9 kg / m2 in the control group and 2.4 kg / m2 in the study group (p-value = 0.0237). A significant evolution in triglycerides reduction and systolic blood pressure was detected. However there was no statistically significant reduction in blood sugar, diastolic blood pressure and other lipid parameters (total cholesterol, HDL and LDL-cholesterol).


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