From the research of phyto-bioactive molecules to industrial production, the missing link is the productive potential
Objective: Estimate the agronomic area susceptible to the cultivation of V. unguiculata in the Mexican territory to support the establishment of a future agroindustry oriented towards obtaining protein hydrolysates with bioactivity obtained from V. unguiculata.
Methods: For the determination of areas with agroclimatic aptitude, three fundamental aspects were considered, which are the following: determination of the agroecological requirements; obtaining spatial information and finally data processing. For the latter, the free license QGIS 3.6.0 Noosa software was used.
Results-Discussion: Based on what was found with the data processing, it is clear that most areas of the country have optimal soil conditions, altitudes and hours of light per year; but this is not the case of the average annual temperature and the average annual rainfall required to cultivate Vigna; this areas are localized in the tropical and subtropical areas of the country.
Conclusions: More than thirteen million hectares susceptible to being cultivated with V. unguiculata where detected in Mexico. Cultivation in a fraction of this enormous extension could provide raw material to obtain protein hydrolysates with bioactivity required for a future industrial activity
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