Specific questionnaire for dispensing benzodiazepines in community pharmacy: Justification and design


  • daida alberto armas Departamento de Toxicología Universidad de La Laguna
  • Carmen Rubio Armendáriz Área de Toxicología. Universidad de La Laguna
  • Verónica Hernández García Área de Toxicología. Universidad de La Laguna
  • Arturo Hardisson de la Torre Área de Toxicología. Universidad de La Laguna




Introduction: The study and analysis of the prolonged use of Benzodiazepines (BZD) remains a strategic objective for all levels of care and especially for Pharmaceutical Care. Questionnaires as a scientific research tool provide a measurement scale that allows the evaluation and comparison of individuals with parameters of reliability and validity.

Objective: To design a data collection questionnaire (CDR) that allows the personalization of BZD dispensing according to the characteristics of the users

Methods: Bibliographic review of existing scientific evidence with experts in Pharmaceutical Care, design of the survey and pilot implementation (pre-testing) of the CRD with BZD users, and refinement of the items and their format to be included in the final CDR.

Results: The CDR designed and distributed in 8 dimensions, covers socio-demographic parameters, knowledge of medication, the Morisky-Green adherence test, quality of life mediation by Euroqol 5D3L and EVA visual scale, the Pfeiffer test for cognitive impairment, the BZD dependence test, the option of recording the pharmaceutical intervention carried out and its acceptance by the user and the degree of patient satisfaction with the intervention

Conclusions: The CDR is an innovative practical tool that can be transferred to healthcare practice, allowing the patient to characterize the BZD user at the time of dispensing in the community pharmacy, enabling the individualization and systematization of the pharmaceutical intervention while promoting the safe and effective use of the BZD by the patient


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