One of the complications that Diabetes Mellitus can present is the diabetic foot, a complication that is associated with high levels of morbidity and mortality as well as significant economic costs for health systems. The risk factors are diabetic neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease and/or anatomical alterations of the foot. One of the final complications is amputations, which occur 15 times more frequently in diabetic patients than in healthy patients.
Objectives: Efficacy of education and self-care by patients with UPD and to assess the effects of exercise in patients with UPD.
Method: Search in the Pubmed database with the terms: “diabetic foot”, “prevention”, “education” and “offloading”.
Results: In 2 studies they did not show data in favor, in the rest they consider that a correct training of the patient and routine self-assessment of their lower extremities can partially prevent the formation of wounds and ulcers. Much heterogeneity of the studies: Adherence, Follow-up (between 6 months to 2 years). The increase in plantar pressure that physical activity can cause is a factor that is generally avoided, however, the work by Morica M. Tran et al. establishes that physical exercise improves ulcer healing, however, it does not specify the type of activity or the time spent. Two other studies assess the indirect effect of exercise on this pathology with notable improvements in the factors predisposing to UPD.
Conclusions: Health professionals should instruct diabetic patients, improving their control capacity, teaching them to identify possible foot problems and motivating them for their prevention. Physical activity should be a priority in the primary prevention of patients at risk of DFU, carried out in a supervised and individualized manner depending on the patient.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus; diabetic foot, ulcer, diabetic foot ulcer, prevention, diabetes education.
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