Analysis of physical exercise in Heart Failure


  • Juan Ramón Romero Gómez Departamento Ciencias Medicas Facultad de Medicina de Albacete. España
  • Loreto Tárraga Marcos Departamento Ciencias Medicas Facultad de Medicina de Albacete. España
  • Beatriz Romero Gomez EVE Zona 5 A de Albacete. España
  • Pedro J. Tárraga Lópe Departamento Ciencias Medicas Facultad de Medicina de Albacete. España



Heart failure; Physical activity; Cardiac Rehabilitation


Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) has proven to be an effective and safe intervention to improve the prognosis of patients with heart failure (HF). However, there are doubts as to which is the best training method in these patients. Currently, the most recommended is the continuous moderate intensity aerobic training (MICT). In this work, this type of training is compared with high intensity interval training (HIIT). The study variable

The main one is physical capacity, measured with the Vo2max. In addition, heart function and health-related quality of life are also assessed. A slight improvement is obtained with HIIT, but both methods are effective and valid, so the most important thing will be individualization based on the characteristics, context and preferences of each patient. On the other hand, training based on MICT alone is also compared with concurrent training, that is, the combination of MICT and resistance training (PE), obtaining favorable conclusions for the second group. In this way, PE is not a substitute for aerobic training, but it is essential to complement it since the adaptations are different and the increase in strength and muscle mass in patients with HF is highly beneficial.



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