Young adult's perception of the sexuality of the older adult


  • Ana Gabriela Hernández-Hernández Estudiante de Servicio Social. Área Académica de Enfermería (ICSa-UAEH)– Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. México
  • Erika Ivon Álvarez-Baños Estudiante de Servicio Social. Área Académica de Enfermería (ICSa-UAEH)– Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. México
  • María del Carmen Cano-Hernández Estudiante de Servicio Social. Área Académica de Enfermería (ICSa-UAEH)– Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. México
  • Reyna Cristina Jiménez-Sánchez Área Académica de Enfermería (ICSa-UAEH)– Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. México
  • José Javier Cuevas-Cansino Área Académica de Enfermería (ICSa-UAEH)– Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. México
  • Diego Estrada-Luna Área Académica de Enfermería (ICSa-UAEH)– Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. México
  • Rosario Barrera-Gálvez Área Académica de Enfermería (ICSa-UAEH)– Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. México
  • José Arias-Rico Profesor and Researcher



The term sexuality refers to the group of conventions, roles and behaviors associated with culture and that involve expressions of sexual desire, dissimilar emotions, power relationship, mediated by the belief system, values, attitudes, feelings and other points of reference. to position in society, such as race, ethnic group and social status(1). The perception of people about the sexuality of the elderly has created an emotional and behavioral effect thanks to myths, prejudices, ideologies and attitudes that can cause an inappropriate exercise of sexuality at that age.

Objective. This work was to determine the level of prejudice of young adults between 18 and 35 years old, regarding sexuality during old age.

Material and Methods. A cross-sectional-descriptive design was used, since the research was carried out in a specific period of time and the variables were not modified, but observed. A non-probability sampling was applied by disposition of 100 young adults between 18 and 35 years of age in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. The instrument used was the '' Questionnaire of attitudes towards sexuality in old age (CASV2020)'', applied in person and with a duration of between 5 to 10 minutes per participant. The questionnaire categorized the variables into stereotypes. Informed consent was obtained from the participants. The data obtained were analyzed in a statistical package SPSS V.21, calculating measures of frequency and central tendency.

Results. The studied population consisted of 28% male and 72% female, when categorizing the data obtained, it was possible to obtain that 6 items were found at a low level of stereotype, while 4 items corresponded to a level medium and 3 items at a very high level of stereotype.

Conclusion. When questioning about the sexuality of the elderly, the participants answered in the central values, that is, neutral, which means that the sample studied presented a low level of prejudice towards the sexuality of the elderly.



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