Basque museum of History of Medicine and Science




History of medicine, history of pandemics, history of science, museums of the history of medical sciences, medicine in the 19th and 20th centuries


The Basque Museum for the History of Medicine and Science is currently a recognized research center in the history of pandemics and in the relationship between physics and industry in 20th century society. In this center, museum and research functions are combined. It is located on the Campus of Biscay (Leioa) of the University of the Basque Country, UPV / EHU. Founded in 1982, during these 40 years of existence it has gathered more than 6,000 objects from the 19th and 20th centuries related to the history of medicine and science that are exhibited in 24 rooms. As the culmination of its research activity, the Museum has published more than fifty books and its researchers have published a large number of articles and books in national and international specialized publishers in the history of medicine and science.


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Flores T. Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea 1968-1993. Leioa: UPV/EHU; 1997.

Gondra J. Nuestra Facultad de Medicina (1968-2015). Leioa: UPV/EHU; 2016.

Granjel LS. Bibliografía histórica de la Medicina Vasca. Salamanca-Bilbao: MHM; 1980-1987.

Granjel LS, Goti JL. Historia del Hospital de Basurto. Bilbao: Hospital; 1983.

Erkoreka A. La historia de la medicina en el País Vasco. 25 años del Museo (1982-2007). Bilbao: MHM; 2007.

Granjel LS. (Dir.) Diccionario histórico de médicos vascos. Bilbao: MHM; 1993.

Cid F. Museología Médica. 2 Vol. Bilbao: MHM; 2007.

Lizarraga K, Erkoreka A. (eds.). Tuberculosis. Bilbao: MHM; 2016.

Ruiz de Loizaga S. La peste de los reinos peninsulares. MHM: Bilbao; 2009.

Erkoreka A. La pandemia de gripe española en el País Vasco (1918-1919). Bilbao: MHM ;2006.

López de Corella, A. De Morbo Pustulato, sive Lenticulari, quem Nostrates Tabardillo Apellant = Sobre la enfermedad pustulada o lenticular, que los nuestros llaman Tabardillo. Introducción, traducción y notas Gurpegui JR. Bilbao: MHM; 2003.

Anduaga A. Wireless and Empire. Geopolitics, Radio Industry, and Ionosphere in the British Empire, 1918-1939. Oxford: University Press; 2009.

Anduaga A. Geophysics, realism, and industry. How commercial interests shaped geophysical conceptions, 1900-1960. Oxford: University Press; 2016.

Erkoreka A. The Spanish influenza pandemic in occidental Europe (1918–1920) and victim age. Influenza other Respir Viruses. 2010;4(2):81-9.

Erkoreka A. Una nueva historia de la gripe española. Paralelismos con la Covid-19. Pamplona/Iruña: Lamiñarra; 2020.

Erkoreka A. (Ed.) La pandemia de gripe española (1918-1929) desde el País Vasco. Gac Med Bilbao. 2021;118(1).

Erkoreka González M, Hernando Pérez J, Erkoreka A, Alonso Olea E. Impacto económico, demográfico y social de la pandemia de gripe española en Bizkaia (1918-1920). Investigaciones de Historia Económica / Economic History Research. 2021;17.

