When learning becomes a game and teaching consists in setting the rules to allow it happen. A vision from a perspective with illusion after teaching for forty-eight years


  • Francisco J. Sánchez-Muniz Catedrático Emérito. Departamento de Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Académico de Número de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia. España https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2660-5126




Gamification, teaching innovation, University teaching


This very brief article is a flash, a personal vision of teaching and the importance of delivery and teaching innovation, using what we have at hand and in the inhospitable environment of confinement. This note is a prelude to another article where the hypothesis, objectives and means are presented to carry out the Teaching project "Teacher mistakes improve student learning", in which some preliminary results obtained will be summarized, to serve as a seed to promote similar projects that improve teaching quality and results.



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