Analysis by means of a telematic survey of adherence to the Mediterranean diet at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Pedro J. Tárraga López Departamento Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Castilla la Mancha. España
  • Josefa Mª Panisello Fundacion Fomento Salud. España
  • Julio A. Carbayo Herencia Universidad Miguel Hernández de Alicante. España
  • Moises Panisello Fundacion Fomento Salud. España
  • Nuria Rosich Fundacion Fomento Salud. España
  • Amelia Carro Consejeria sanidad Principado de Asturias. España
  • Juan Solera Albero CS Zona 7 de Albacete. España
  • Josep Allins CAP Barcelona. España
  • Loreto Tarraga Marcos Hospital Clínico de Zaragoza. España



Introduction. The choice of food in times of  confinement is influenced by multiple factors such as food availability that may be reduced and that  constituted one of the main challenges to be faced by governments in past pandemics, the family  economic status that can vary, as well as the fact  of confinement that provides the family group  with more time to dedicate to preparing different  dishes but also places them in a situation that can  be experienced as stressful and lead to different  patterns of food consumption.

Objective. To know the usual dietary pattern, that  is, prior to confinement, collecting this information  at the time it began.

Method. Cross-sectional observational study  using an anonymous online telematic food survey  that monitored adherence to the Mediterranean  diet in real time in 492 adults from Spain in the  pandemic by covid19 during the second half of  March 2020.

Results. Our study shows that the degree of  adherence to DM in the first part of confinement  has been high, showing a score of 10.0 ± 2.0 in the  MEDAS test and 9.3 ± 2.1 in the modified  PREDIMED. Specifically, in our study, 77% of the  studied population had a high adherence to the  Mediterranean diet, compared to a moderate  adherence in 22.4% and a low adherence in 5%.

Conclusions. Our study reflects a high adherence  of the participants to the Mediterranean Diet.



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