Telomeres, telomerase and aging. A visit to the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine


  • Cristina Soriano Amador Alumna del Doble Grado Farmacia y Nutrición Humana y Dietética Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España
  • Francisco J. Sánchez-Muniz Catedrático Emérito de Nutrición. Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Académico de número de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, España



Aging, dyskerin, Nobel prize, shelterin, telomeres, telomerase


Introduction. In October 2009, Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, and Jack W. Szostak were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for their discoveries about telomeres and the enzyme telomerase. Subsequently, many investigations, including that of Spanish scientists, have demonstrated the role of telomeres in aging and in some very prevalent pathologies.

Methods. Three topics were reviewed to perform this article: a) the information given by the Nobel Committee on the research of the three winners of 2009 award; b) the molecular mechanisms involved in the protection process of telomeres by the telomerase enzyme; and c) the relationship between aging and the telomere/telomerase system.

Results. In eukaryotic cells, telomeres constitute the terminal end of chromosomes, which are shortened within each cell division. When the shortening becomes critical, persistent DNA damage at these ends, senescence, apoptosis and loss of the tissues regenerative capacity are induced. Given the unfeasibility of telomeres complete replication by the DNA polymerase after each cell division, the telomerase, a reverse transcriptase ribonucloprotein, works by lengthening the ends of chromosomes, using as a template a portion of its own RNA. Several factors determine the length of telomeres and/or the loss of telomerase activity, with aging standing out. In addition, there are many factors that determine the differences between physiological and chronological age.

Conclusion. Among aging theories, the one relating the shortening of telomeres with senescence stands out. However, more studies are required to determine which epigenetic and other mechanisms determine the loss of telomerase activity and the length of telomeres.



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