Syndrome of cyber-phubbing “Its impact on interpersonal relationships and human health”


  • Jesús Carlos Ruvalcaba Ledezma Departamento de Medicina, Maestría en Salud Pública y Doctorado en Ciencias de los Alimentos y Salud Humana en [ICSa-UAEH] Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca Hidalgo, México.
  • Yesenia Elizabeth Ruvalcaba Cobián Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras, Profesor [U de G] Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
  • Josefina Reynoso Vázquez Departamento de Farmacia y Maestría en Salud Pública en [ICSa-UAEH], México.
  • Antonio Atanacio García Martínez Estudiante de Medicina en [ICSa-UAEH], México.
  • Tania Berenice Ramírez González Dirección de Superación Académica de la [UAEH], México.



Nowadays technology has acquired a significant role in our lives; social networking, internet, video games and mobile devices became the primary communication and interaction. Even though this phenomenon may represent a “double edged sword” providing us of positive but also negative results, the internet addiction problem that occurs when people develop a dependence on internet connectivity, might even lead them to have symptoms of anxiety and violence reporting “abstinence periods” when they don´t have access to a network source and generate similar brain alterations that alcohol and drugs does [Phubbing].

Aim. To describe the impact that reflects the technology as a risk factor on interpersonal relations in our environment, as well as locate the possible physiological consequences that these can cause.

Method. Sectional survey applied on two groups of 50 students, between 2014-2106.

Results. Results throw us that the impact of social media addiction, internet and cell phone´s usefulness represents therefore a significant risk for their health, to hinder emotional relationships within their family and personal impact on cognitive and emotional health. The negative impact is personal and collective, enphasizing the cell phone use while driving a vehicle and its addiction (Phubbing) causes accidents and impacts on morbi-mortality.

Conclusions. Phubbing has led to a significant impact in our actual society, increases on morbi-mortality. This is not positive results.



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