Current guidelines on the management of European and American dyslipidemias do not agree on their objectives and recommendations


  • Eva Paloma Carbayo-Herencia Sección de Epidemiología. Delegación de Sanidad. Albacete. España
  • Julio Antonio Carbayo-Herencia Departamento de Medicina Clínica. Universidad Miguel Hernández. San Juan de Alicante. Alicante. España



Cholesterol, triglycerides, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular risk factors, cardiovascular disease, prevention, treatment


Prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) constitutes a critical priority of daily clinical practice, for both nurses and doctors. In order to achieve this, it’s essential to control dyslipidemia by using guides created by experts, based on available research. Occasionally, however, the amount of scientific research can be so abundant that choosing which studies to include can generate controversy. This study analyzes cases in which guides created in the United States, using evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials, have established a new paradigm compared to European guides, which have considered the designs of the American guides to be observational studies. The fundamental arguments of both sides will be discussed, as well as the resulting controversy and the subsequent reconciliation between both guides, which now place more value on scientific evidence.



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