Production of house fly larvae (Musca domestica L.) with different proportion of coffee grounds and hens feces


  • Enrique Casanovas Cosío Cetas/ Centro de Estudios para la Transformación Agraria Sostenible. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba.
  • Alexis Suárez del Villar Labastida Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. República del Ecuador.
  • Ana Álvarez Sánchez Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. República del Ecuador.
  • Leonardo Mejías Seibanes Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba.
  • Reyna Reyes Reyes Departamento de Biología. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba.



food, temperature, treatment, weight


Objective. To evaluate the production of larvae of flies in coffee grounds in combination with layer manure at two heights in magentas in a moscario.

Configuration and Design. Completely randomized bifactorial design was established with the following factors: Factor 1 - quantity of substrate (coffee grounds and layer manure, %), Factor 2 - height of the substrate in magenta (three and five, cm). A- coffee grounds 100%; B- layer manure 25% + coffee grounds 75%; C- coffee grounds 50%+ layer manure 50%; D- coffee grounds 75% + layer manure 25%; E- layer manure 100% at three centimeters in height and E, F, G, H, I, J with the same proportions of substrates at five centimeters in height. Each interaction was replicated six times.

Materials and Methods. In each combination the temperatures were measured in substrates and ambient temperature in moscario at morning and afternoon, the quantity and weight of the larvae of flies harvested to the ninth day and their yield; and the presence of Salmonella and faecal coliforms.
Results. The temperature in the substrates (34.50 oC – 37.10 oC). went superior to the ambient (17.80 oC – 34.2 oC) in the whole period. The yield had influenced by the number of larvae, that was bigger for the treatment E and J with 12.302 and 21,756 g kg-1, respectively and not for the weight of the larvae that didn't differ.

Conclusions. The inclusion of coffee grounds in different proportions with the layer manure doesn't facilitate the obtaining of larvae of flies.



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