Francis Moore and body composition


  • Jesús M Culebras De la Real Academia de Medicina de Valladolid y del IBIOMED, Universidad de León. Miembro de Número y de Honor de la Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética. Académico Asociado al Instituto de España. AcProfesor Titular de Cirugía. Director, Journal of Negative & No Positive Results. Director Emérito de NUTRICION HOSPITALARIA, España
  • Ángeles Franco-López Jefa de los Servicios de Radiología de los hospitales de Vinalopó y Torrevieja. AcProfesora de Universidad por ANECA, Alicante, España



Body composition, total body water, isotopes


One of the most important lines of investigation in the Department of Surgery of Harvard University under the direction of Francis Moore was body composition. The amount of liquids in different body compartments  was unknown until the forties of last century. Sodium, potassium or water losses could not be evaluated  without knowing basal values. It was also important to know liquids' and solutes' translocation in the course  of severe diseases. Moore contributions about body composition contributed to a biochemical definition of  surgical disease and to knowing the requirements of severe diseases or trauma patients. This knowledge has  benefited surgeons, cardiologists, pediatricians, nutritionists and veterinarians. The knowledge of body  composition has conducted surgery to be performed in a frame of more safety.



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Pérez Castillo R, Hernandez Cereijo A, Cereijo Yañez D, Pupo Verdecia R. Composicion corporal y lesiones musculoesqueléticas: correlación en futbolistas del Equipo Social Granma. JONNPR. 2020;5(n):nnn-nn. DOI: 10.19230/jonnpr.3423

Moore FD, Olesen KH, McMurrey JD, Parker HV, Ball MR, Boyden CM. The body cell mass and its supporting environment: body composition in health and disease. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co. 1963.

Culebras JM, Moore FD. Total body water and the exchangeable hydrogen. I Theoretical calculation of nonaqueous exchangeable hydrogen in man Am J Physiol 1977; 232 (1): R54-R59.

Culebras JM, Fitzpatrick GF, Brennan MF, Boyden CM, Moore FD. Total body water and the exchangeable hydrogen. II A review of comparative data from animals based on isotope dilution and desiccation, with a report of new data from the rat. Am J Physiol 1977; 232 (1): R60-R65.

Moore FD. A Miracle and a Privilege. Recounting a Half Century of Surgical Advance, 1995 ISBN 0-309-05188-6

Culebras JM. Francis Moore, cirujano , maestro y lider. Ed Sever Cuesta, Valladolid2008. ISBN 978-84-691-2185- 6.

Moore FD, Lister J, Boyden CM, Ball MR, Sullivan N, Dagher FJ. The skeleton as a feature of body composition: values predicted by the isotope dilution and observed by cadaver dissection in an adult female. Hum Biol 1968; 40: 135-188

