Non-pharmacological approach to pain in pediatrics from the nursing perspective: Application of audiovisual materials and buzzy®


  • Mª Loreto Tarraga Marcos Enfermera Materno infantil del Hospital Clinico Lozano Blesa de Zaragoza
  • Mario Romero de Avila Montoya Pediatra del Hospital General de Almansa
  • Raúl Salmerón Rios Medico de Familia CS La Osa Montiel
  • Pedro J. Tárraga López Profesor de Medicina de Universidad de Castilla la Mancha



non-pharmacological pain treatment, Nursing pain management, Pain measurement, Pain evaluation


Objective. Evaluation of the multidisciplinary approach to pediatric pain.

Method. Systematic review of the most up-to-date bibliography on the subject in the medical search engines Pubmed, Cuiden, Scielo, Cochrane Library and Cinahl. Applying in the search engines the terms: “Pain Assessment”, “Pain Measurement” “Pain Management” “Nonpharmacologic treatment”, making a limitation to those articles written in Spanish and English and with a publication date after January 2015.
Results and Discussion. The identification of the intensity of pain that requires a complex approach has been discussed and there is no evaluation method that is superior to another. Therefore, the application of the combination of self-registration by the patient whenever possible, the family, and the application of systematized application scales by qualified personnel seems appropriate. For the application of the scales, it seems advisable to use them according to their validation in certain groups of patients and how familiar the personnel in charge of registering them are. Pharmacological treatment is being widely and effectively developed as a complementary measure to the usual forms of pain management. These measures, mostly due to their easy application, low cost and almost zero risk of iatrogenesis, are being implemented in most pediatric care units. This application of measures requires the creativity and continuous training of the personnel who carry them out and a correct assessment of pain at each moment of assistance.

Conclusion. The control of pain and associated anxiety are a multidisciplinary approach challenge in which nursing plays a great role, both from its position as the director of the vast majority of procedures that can trigger it and from the application of non-functional measures. pharmacological.



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