Breast pathology handling by breast radiologists in a high incidence hospital for COVID-19


  • Mónica Campos-Pérez Médico. Residente de Radiodiagnóstico, Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico del Hospital General Universitario de Albacete, España.
  • Gema Blanco-Cabañero Médico. Especialista en el Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico (Sección de Mama), Hospital General Universitario de Albacete, España.
  • Cristina López-Cárceles Médico. Especialista en el Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico (Sección de Mama), Hospital General Universitario de Albacete, España.
  • Inmaculada Alcantud-González Médico. Especialista en el Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico (Sección de Mama), Hospital General Universitario de Albacete, España.
  • Irene Donoso-Esteban Médico. Resiente de Radiodiagnóstico, Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico del Hospital General Universitario de Albacete, España.
  • Esther Sánchez-López Médico. Especialista en el Servicio de Cirugía General y Digestiva en Hospital General Universitario de Albacete, España



Management, Guidelines, Breast Cancer, COVID-19, Pandemic, SEDIM, GEICAM, PBBC, SEOM


In this article we would like to show the reader how we have managed breast pathology along all pandemic COVID-19 period in our Radiology Department, as far as our Hospital (“Complejo Hospitalario Universtiario de Albacete”) has been highly affected by COVID-19. To get to a result, we have revised main breast management guides porpused by different societies, and we have afterwards compared their recommendations with our way of handling the situation, taking into account that some of them were available and others were modified in order to benefit our patients. This was necessary in order to satisfy the attention of our patients with non delaying breast pathology and to manage correctly COVID-19 pandemic as well in a high incidence place. Our principal aims have been avoiding breast pathology diagnosis delay (breast cancer above all), as well as avoiding workers and patients COVID-19 infection.



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