Effectiveness of ozone therapy in the treatment of disc hernia: Systematic Review
Herniated disc, Pain, Ozone therapyAbstract
The herniated disc is the result of the degeneration of the nucleus pulposus and the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc, so that the former leaves the ring or can even leave the intervertebral space, becoming a free fragment inside the spinal canal.
It is usually associated with spondylosis, physical overexertion or trauma (minor repetition or single major). They are more frequent in middle life ages, having a peak incidence over the fourth decade. The clinic is characterized by an onset with paravertebral low back pain and pain on percussion of the spinous processes, accompanied by paravertebral muscle contracture. In lumbar hernias, pain usually radiates to the lower limb due to compression of the nerve root.
I have carried out a study on the treatment of herniated discs, specifically on ozone therapy, because: Ozone therapy as an indication for herniated disc is a recent treatment, with highly debatable results and without agreed criteria to determine its indication as a treatment.
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