Dengue infection, a public health problem in México


  • Adrian Vargas Navarro Estudiante de la Maestría en Salud Pública [ICSa-UEAH] Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo.
  • Eduardo Bustos Vázquez Servicios de Salud de Hidalgo. Subsecretario de Epidemiología, Secretaría de Salud de Hidalgo, Pachuca Hidalgo
  • Andrés Salas Casas Departamento de Medicina. [ICSa-UEAH] Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Jesús Carlos Ruvalcaba Ledezma Departamento de Medicina y Coordinación de la Maestría en Salud Pública. [ICSa-UEAH] Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • José Luis Imbert Palafox Departamento de Medicina. [ICSa-UEAH] Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo



Dengue, infection, technical difficulties and citizen participation


Dengue is one of the main viral diseases of an epidemic nature. It constitutes the most important arbovirosis worldwide in morbidity, mortality and economic importance. Almost half of the world's population is at risk, especially the one with the greatest deficiencies in basic health services. In Mexico, dengue is one of the main vector-borne diseases, and in the last ten years the number of cases has increased despite efforts to prevent and control vector(9).

Aim. To describe the dengue infection, as well as the technical difficulties and citizen participation for the eradication of this Public Health problem in Mexico.

Methodology. A systematic literature review of the general aspects of dengue infection and the technical difficulties and community participation that are presented for its eradication was carried out. Scientific articles were chosen from 1995 to 2016, which were identified in the Medline, Pubmed, Scielo and Redalyc databases through web search engines and Google Scholar. The key words used for the bibliographic search in summary or in full-text words were the following: dengue, infection, technical difficulties and citizen participation. The search was conducted in Spanish and English.

Results. The search in the databases resulted in a total of twenty-two articles. In all of them, information describing dengue infection is presented, fifty-four percent point out the technical difficulties for dengue eradication and only thirty-three percent refer to the non-participation of the civilian population in the dengue eradication.

Conclusions. Dengue infection is a pathology that has been described previously and that despite this, its eradication has not been achieved due to various technical difficulties, the main one being: the complexity of reducing the presence of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and certain difficulties. of citizen participation in said problem, the main one being that the dengue control and eradication activities do not contemplate the prior knowledge that people have on the subject, nor the attitude of the population towards said problema, The latter could mean negative results.


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