Causes of tooth lossin pregnancy in women who visit a Dental Service


  • Andrea Yáñez González Estudiante de la maestría en Salud Pública [ICSA-UAEH], Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud- Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo, México
  • Carlo Medina Solis Departamento de Odontologìa y Maestría en Salud Pública [ICSA-UAEH], Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud- Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo, México
  • Maricarmen Rivera Gómez Departamento de Medicina y Maestría en Salud Pública [ICSA-UAEH], Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud- Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo, México
  • Jesús Carlos Ruvalcaba Ledezma Departamento de Medicina y Coordinador de Maestría en Salud Pública [ICSA-UAEH], Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud- Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo, México



Tooth loss, preganancy, oral cavity, alterations, factors


Introduction. Pregnancy constitutes a particular systemic condition that modifies oral and dental conditions. The tooth and the supporting and supporting tissues, the oral mucosa, among others, are direct targets that can be affected, for this reason, the changes that occur in pregnant women that condition the appearance or development of oral diseases must be taken into account.

Objective. The objective of this study is to review the evidence in the literature and determine the factors that contribute to the appearance of oral disorders related to tooth loss during pregnancy.

Materials and methods. A review of the literature was carried out on the main causes for which pregnant women lose teeth, as well as the main dental recommendations during this period. 20 articles were chosen; A search was performed using Medline, PubMed, Elsevier, Scielo.

Results. The search of the databases analyzed 20 articles which were used for this study 4 where the main causes of tooth loss in pregnant women are determined, which are dental caries, salivary PH, changes in the periodontium and poor dietary habits and hygienic.

Conclusions. Dental care is a safe and effective procedure throughout the pregnancy. Dentists must educate the pregnant patient about the importance of oral health, for her and her son, they must be warned about common oral manifestations and oral hygiene to avoid tooth loss during the gestation period, otherwise the results on your oral health will be negative.


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