Can I diagnose hypoglycemia in domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) with the use of portable glucometers?




hypoglycemia, insulinoma, glucometer


Aims. The diagnosis of hypoglycemia in ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) is based on the detection of a blood  glucose level below 60-70 mg / dl. A blood glucose concentration below these levels is very suggestive of  pancreatic beta cell tumor (insulinoma), which comprises of approximately 25% of all neoplasms diagnosed  in this species. This study aims to check if the low blood glucose values obtained through the use of portable  glucometers are reliable as a method of diagnosing hypoglycemia in this species.

Material and methods. In this study, 31 samples of ferrets blood of different ages and sexes are analyzed,  using three types of portable glucometers, comparing these results with the measurements obtained by a  liquid biochemistry analyzer using the glucose oxidase method, considered as one of the standard  measurement methods.

Results. One of the three glucometers used in this study underestimates blood glucose values in this species, while another overestimates them, which is a systematic error (predictable) of the equipment that could be  solved by calibrating them for this species. The other glucometer is more consistent with the reference  values, but has a high random error (unpredictable), that is more difficult to correct. Therefore none of the  three teams would be adequate to make a reliable diagnosis of hypoglycemia in ferrets.

Conclusions. These results indicate that blood glucose concentrations in ferrets should be confirmed with a  validated laboratory analyzer to reliably diagnose hypoglycemia, and blood glucose meters used only to monitor the disease.



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Author Biography

Óscar Miñana Morant, Clínica Veterinaria Babieca. Gandía. Valencia. España

Licenciado en Veterinaria en 1992 y Doctor en Veterinaria en 2000,. Gerente de la Clínica Veterinaria Babieca desde 1993, dedicado a Medicina de Animales de Compañía y especialmente a Animales Exóticos. Miembro de La Asociación de Veterinarios Españoles de Animales de Compañía (AVEPA) y miembro activo del grupo de Medicina y Cirugía de Animales Exóticos (GMCAE).  Ha realizado comuniacciones libres en congresos de España y Portugal y escrito artículos en revistas científicas nacionales. Premio Científico Nacional Miguel Luera al mejor artículo de 2018


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