Therapeutic adhesion to the medical treatments of urgency of the athletes of Granma's EIDE




patient compliance, adherence and compliance, task performance and analysis Non-adhesion factors, life style, farmacovigilance


Objective. Evaluating the therapeutic adhesion to the medical treatments of urgency of the athletes of Granma's EIDE.

Material and Method. The females were the majority of the participating to the study (62,5 %), the stocking of age went from 13.3 years and the prevailing sports athletics. A descriptive, retrospective study from January to April 2019 came true. You chose the sign for intentional sampling after entrance criteria, getting constituted by 50 athletes. They examined variable: age, sex, indicated medication, percentage of adhesión and causes of no adherence.

Results. The most prescribed medications were the vitaminic supplements, analgesics, muscular and antimicrobial relaxants. Adhesion was low to the amoxicilin (24 %), naproxeno (24 %) and metocarbamol (16 %). The general evaluation of the therapeutic adhesion was incomplete with a 64 %. The factors that influenced the insufficient adherence were the improvement of the symptoms (3,33 %), adverse Reactions (6,66 %), Ignorance (33,3 %), the athlete's Oversight (56,6 %).

Conclusions. The staff of Medical Attention and Farmacia's Apartment of Medicina's Centers of Sports, periodic revisions of the therapeutic plans must accomplish farmacovigilancia's control in the athletic intervening population. The educational orientation results essential in the patient medical relation in the search of bigger adhesion to the treatments.



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