Tobacco and health: knowledge in pregnant women in the maternal home "Clodomira Acosta", Las Tunas


  • Raydel Pérez Castillo Médico. Especialista en Medicina General Integral y Medicina del Deporte. Profesor Instructor. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Las Tunas, Cuba
  • Yoanne Cordero González Médico. Especialista en Medicina General Integral. Master en Atención Integra a la Mujer. Profesor Asistente, Policlínico “Aquiles Espinosa”, Las Tunas, Cuba
  • Ederly Hidalgo Ávila Médico. Especialista en Medicina General Integral. Master en Atención Integra a la Mujer. Profesor Asistente, Policlínico “Aquiles Espinosa”, Las Tunas, Cuba
  • Celia Díaz Cantillo Licenciada en Psicología. Doctora en Pedagogía. Profesora Titular. Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba
  • Kentny María Mora Reyes Licenciada en Matemática-Computación. Profesor Asistente. Policlínico “Aquiles Espinosa”, Las Tunas, Cuba



smoking prevention, tobacco, pregnancy, tobacco use cessation, tobacco use cessation devices, quality of live, reproductive health


Objective. To determine the level of knowledge about the effects of tobacco use on women's health.

Methods. A prospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted. Were included pregnant women  admitted to the "Clodomira Acosta" Maternal Home in Las Tunas, from May to August 2019. The study  variables were: age, gestational age, educational level, knowledge about the effects of conventional and  electronic tobacco, tobacco status, severity of smoking and level of knowledge.

Results. We included 96 pregnant women between 18 and 44 years old (25,8 ± 6.2) and gestational time of  32.1±6.5 weeks. The predominant educational level was pre-university (n=68; 70.8%). Have had active or  massive contact him tobacco 55.2% of pacients. Those who reported to be smokers, ex-smokers or in  abstinence referred to receive tobacco cessation counseling. Shortcomings include: the impact of smoking  on reproductive health and the harmfulness of electronic smoking (n=93; 96.9%). The level of knowledge  about the effects of tobacco use on women's health was evaluated as good (79±8pts).

Conclusion. Pregnant women have good knowledge about tobacco-dependent diseases; however, there is a  lack of knowledge about the impact on reproductive health and the use of vapeo as an erroneous technique  to replace smoking.



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