Low teledermatology implantation


  • Alicia Vivo Ocaña Medico Familia Quintanar del Rey (Cuenca), España
  • Pablo Bermejo Profesor Informática UCLM, España
  • Pedro J. Tárraga López Profesor de Medicina UCLM, España




Dermatology, Telemedicine, Primary Care


New technologies are changing our lives at the individual level and as a society. Its application in medicine  is transforming our medical practice by giving it a new dimension and posing new challenges for both  professionals and organizations. The application of new technologies to health sciences defines  telemedicine. In the following work an introduction is made of the beginning of the application of  telemedicine and new technologies through the search in the main databases: Pubmed, Cochrane and  Uptodate with the terms of telemedicine, new technologies and teledermatology.

Objectives. To know the current state of telemedicine and one of its main applications in the field of  dermatology, teledermatology, to know its degree of implantation, as well as its advantages and  disadvantages. Study of the implementation of Dercam (teledermatology project in CLM).

Method. Descriptive study of all teleconsultations received through the Dercam system, from March 2016  to May 2017 in the GAI of Albacete, data were collected on the different Health Centers involved, the  different pathologies consulted, response time, follow-up by primary or specialized care. Diagnostic  match, diagnostic security and photo quality.

Result. A total of 370 teleconsultations (TC) were received in the Dercam system, with respect to a total of  10,903 consultations by normal route, to the Dermatology Service. The highest number of CT derived were  from the Iniesta health center. The most frequent group of CT was inflammatory pathology with 25.14%  followed by benign pigmented lesions with 24.05%. Most of the discharges are registered in the group of  pathology of the hair follicle (66.67%), infectious (57.50%) and inflammatory with 45.16%. The response  time in half of the cases between one and three days. The diagnostic coincidence is 58.54%, with a high  security in the virtual diagnoses made by specialized and in the majority of the photos valued with  medium quality.

Conclusions. The Dercam system in the GAI of Albacete is still in an incipient phase of implementation. It  would be important to assess in which pathologies its use is more profitable to obtain a greater  profitability, all through structured protocols involving all professionals. 



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